Eager to leave

Dear Friends,

Thanks for your continued prayers for Jenn and I and Young Life in Latin America. We’re really grateful we get to be part of Young Life and how God is using it to call teenagers to Him. To show you a little of what it looks like I wanted to share with you a short note I received from a YL missionary in Nicaragua in January.
    “After the talk last night at club we had a time of 20 minutes of silence where we asked the kids to find a place alone to sit down outside and talk to God. It was an emotional time for many. We heard crying - there were a lot of kids in tears, allowing the love of God into their hearts and letting go of things that have hurt them in their past. It was a moment that I will remember.
     I often wish my friends could be here at times like this. The power of the Holy Spirit and His forgiveness and love is evident in so many faces. There is just a joy that is hard to share in words. Last week, a young man was so eager to go home and reconcile with his mom and family left camp at 6:00 am to catch a bus to his home and give his mom a hug and ask forgiveness."

      I love seeing the Holy Spirit at work in Young Life camps and clubs as leaders walk alongside of teens—and I wish many of you could be there to see it to, because it is hard to put into words. But I love the image of redemption that comes from a teenager who leaves his friends and the camp he’s enjoyed so deeply—all because he’s so anxious to get home and reconcile with his mother. I might not have the words to explain it, but I hope the images of teens letting go of their burdens, realizing they’re loved and being so anxious to get home and start this new life they can’t sleep communicates it well. 
    Nicaragua had 900 teens and leaders as part of these January camps. In April I get to be part of a training camp where teens who had this experience a year or two ago take steps to grow as leaders who can help others come to know Jesus. We’ll have a group of about 220 and can’t fit everyone we’d like to have be there. It's exciting to see this ministry flourishing in this wayPlease pray this will be another time God’s spirit moves and releases burdens and helps equip us to be part of this experience for more teens in the future.

A few prayer requests and announcements:
                It’s going to be a….. boy: Maybe the cake clued you in J-- that's how we found out.   He’s expected in early August--pray for Jenn’s and the baby’s health over these upcoming months.
                CR and Nica:  I have trips coming up to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and Jenn will be with leaders in Nicaragua as well.  Please be praying for our time with leaders and that God would use it.

                SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday morning, May 31 we’ll be hosting ‘Family Fun Day’ at Brookside CRC. This is an event that should be a lot of fun for the family and kids of all ages and will be used to help raise camp scholarship money for this summer so teens in the Dominican Republic can go to Young Life camp. You’ll get much more information soon, but save the date and plan for a great time for a really great purpose.

                                                                           Thanks again for your support and prayers,


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