2011 Year End
Dear Friends, Thanks for all your support and prayers for us in 2011. We’ve had a wonderful year as a family and in ministry. My job hasn’t changed as much as it might sound, but I do have a little larger role within Young Life now in helping with training for International South. My main focus and time investment is still Latin America, but I have begun to have more contact now with our leaders in Asia and Africa as well. We have a huge challenge in International South since the countries you see high-lighted above contain almost 75% of the world’s teenagers. But we also have some amazing blessings. Frederick Buechner once wrote, "There come moments, I think, even in the midst of all our cynicism and worldliness and childishness, maybe especially then, when there is something about the saints of the earth that bowls us over a little…I mean saints who have their rough edges and their blind spots like everybody else but whose lives are transparent to something so