
Showing posts from July, 2015

July 2015

A Mission Community What is Young Life? An early mission statement of Young Life in part said this: ‘ Young Life is a mission community of Christ-centered people committed to reaching adolescent youth with the Gospel.’   The official statement has changed, but the focus is still true- YL done well depends on a community of believers on a mission together reaching out to teenagers. Being a true mission community means much more than working together, it means living life together with a purpose. I saw this being lived out very well in Argentina this spring. Carolina Pi and her husband Eduardo have done a tremendous job of bringing together a community of people who live life together and impact teens for Christ. They started with a prayer and a vision and with one club in their town of Corrientes and as people felt the impact of being part of that community the movement grew.         Jonny is a great example of the impact this can have. Jonny ...