
Showing posts from July, 2012

Young Life in Colombia.....

Want to see what YL looks like in places like Colombia?  Here's a short video from a recent adventure trip from our team in Bogota.

A collection of stories from our Summer 2012 Newsletter

    You may have heard of the 10/40 window -- it’s a geographic descriptor that represents most of the world’s poorest people groups, many of whom are considered unreached by the gospel. However, some people have begun to refer to the 10/30 window now as well. This “window” isn’t geographic, but is based on age, referring to the 2.4 billion youth in the world between ages 10-30. A large percentage of this age group is not involved in any church and professes no faith. Jonathan Taylor calls this 10-30 age group "the largest unreached people group in human history, larger than the 100 largest geographically defined unreached people groups combined."     Our South American key leaders      There is a huge need among teens worldwide.   Mexico, for example, has very few teens involved in the church. In the midst of the crime wave that Mexico has been suffering in recent years a Mexican mayor said "Ask yourself who is doing all this killing. It is our young people. W